Beautiful by nature

Refund Policy

It’s okay if you change your mind, we offer a return and exchange policy for clients inside Kuwait. However, terms and conditions apply.

  • You may return or exchange the products purchased from Casa Spa within 14 calendar days. However, conditions apply.
    • Returned or exchanged products must have a manufacturing defect that cannot be repaired without compromising the item's quality, fake, fiddle, or does not match the specifications stated on Casa Spa.
    • Returned products must be in their original packaging, new, unused with the Casa Spa tag still attached.
    • Returns that are damaged, soiled, or altered may not be accepted and may be sent back to the customer.
    • Returned products (unless defective, fake, or fiddle) must be in resalable condition.
  • The customer will receive the refund in full amount they paid for in one of our branches if the order meets the above-mentioned terms and conditions.
  • Often, the customer would receive the refund within 2 calendar days once our team confirms that the order meets the return policy.
  • Sale items are non-refundable.
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